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JDPterygo is a dental implant designed to achieve perfect anchorage in the pterygoid bone. Available in two versions: JDPterygo One with Ø 3.3 mm and JDPterygo with Ø 4 mm. A minimally invasive solution to treat the atrophic posterior maxilla. Combined with JDNasal and JDZygoma implants, it can be used in the Maxilla-For-All® protocol



The JDNasal implant is indicated for severe cases of the atrophic maxilla as it anchors to the nasal bone. Featuring an internal hexagonal connection, this implant is available with cylindrical-conical shape, specially designed to be placed in soft bone, or with conical profile with aggressive threading. JDNasal implants feature a 1.5-mm-machined collar in the coronal part.

Combined with JDPterygo and JDZygoma implants, it can be used in the Maxilla-For-All® protocol.



JDZygoma is an advanced implant system with an internal hexagonal connection developed to treat cases of severe maxillary bone resorption. Available in two diameters, 3.9 mm and 4.3 mm, it allows immediate loading in the most severe cases of maxillary atrophic bone.

Combined with JDPterygo and JDNasal implants, it can be used in the Maxilla-For-All® protocol.

The Z-GO™ Guide protocol for the insertion of zygoma implants in guided surgery will be available soon.